The EclecticPhysician

The Eclectic Physician
Natural Health Care
by Beth Burch N.D.

Sore Throat-

Many sore throats are due to viruses, they are usually accompanied by mild fever and nasal congestion. A more serious sore throat is caused by the bacteria Streptococcus which can lead to complications such as rheumatic fever if left untreated. A short course of antibiotics is usually best for strep throat. Strep throat often has severe pain, along with fever, headache and white patches in the throat. A simple and quick strep test can diagnose it. Another cause for a very severe sore throat is mononucleosis, a viral disease. This is usually accompanied by severe fatigue and swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpits and groin. If your child's sore throat is very severe, she is not able to swallow and is drooling, go to an emergency room immediately. These can be signs of a life-threatening condition known as epiglottitis. For viral sore throat, follow the guidelines under colds and flu. A salt water gargle can help to relieve discomfort (1 tsp salt to 8 oz warm water)

Echinacea- Stimulates the immune system and is effective against a number of bacteria.
Dosage-Liquid extract or glycerin- 1 drop per 4 pounds of body weight every 3-4 hours
Chewable tablet-5-10 mg per 10 pounds of body weight

Goldenseal-Specific for infections of the mucous membranes, has broad antibacterial activity, and stimulates the immune system.

Glycerin- 1 drop per 4 pounds of body weight
Other herbs- slippery elm, licorice,

* The information presented in this web site is intended to inform and educate. It is not intended replace a qualified medical practitioner to diagnose or treat medical conditions.

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